Recycling Right sounds easy. But once you start looking into the details, you might realize you’ve been recycling wrong. Don’t worry. That’s what we’re here for! Our Solid Waste department gets questions all the time. Here are some of the greatest hits.
My Kids Have Outgrown their Noisy Toys

QUESTION: I have a toddler-sized ride-on car that has what I think is a 12-volt battery in it. How can I get rid of it? I’ve also collected a large bag of batteries and can’t seem to find anyone to take them. Can someone direct me?
ANSWER: Yes, we’re glad to help! Batteries should never end up in the trash or recycling bin. If they are crushed by our equipment, they can start a fire. Bring your rechargeable batteries to any of Mecklenburg County’s Full-Service Centers. We’ll take them for free. If you can’t get the battery out, bring us the whole device. We’d rather help you remove the battery than put out a fire.
Undecking the Halls – Recycle or not?
Question: After Christmas, can I bring you my Christmas tree?
ANSWER: Yes! We’ll take up to two Christmas trees at NO charge from residents. In most of Mecklenburg County, you can leave them on the curbside to be picked up with your yard waste. If you’re unsure, contact your town for specific curbside collection info. And if you want to see what happens to your tree once we have it, we’ve got you covered.
These Clothes Must Go
Question: Can I bring clothing or linens to County sites to be recycled?
Answer: No. The County doesn’t recycle clothing or linen. You can take those to places that collect clothing like a shelter or non-profit.

Time to Update my Lawn Equipment
Question: My old lawnmower no longer works. Can I bring it to your disposal center?
Answer: Yes! First, drain out the oil and gas. That goes in our Household Hazardous Waste Area. Your metal lawnmower (without oil and gas) goes into our special bulky metal area. Again, no charge to County residents.
I Missed Trash or Recycling Pick Up
Question: The city didn’t pick up my trash or recycling. Can I bring it to your centers?
Answer: Yes! A single can of trash is free. There will be a small charge for more than that. Residents can always recycle for free at our Full-Service Drop-Off Centers.
More Questions?
We’re happy to answer your questions so you stay safe, and our employees are safe, too. If you have more, you can always check us out online, call 311 or 980-314-3867, or send us an email. The solid waste program also has monthly webinars where we answer your questions and help you recycle right. Please join us and register.