If you’ve been following along with the steps we take to determine our annual budget, you may be aware that we’ve just completed one of the biggest ones – the recommended budget. After careful consideration of requests from the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), County departments, community partners and residents, the County Manager presents her recommended budget to the BOCC each May.
For FY2020, the recommended budget funds several key items:
- Critical services and programs that provide support to residents.
- Services and initiatives determined as priorities by the BOCC.
- Priorities voiced by the community through the Budget Priorities Public Hearing and Survey, as well as from the Board’s Advisory Committees.
What does that all include, you ask? We break down the highlights for you in this infographic:

While this covers many of the highlights, this is really just the beginning – you can find everything in the recommended budget book. You can also visit our budget website to watch the County Manager’s presentation and find more information about the budget process.