Have you and your family been looking for ways to celebrate the magical whimsy of fairies? Then come out to the Fairy House Festival at Latta Nature Preserve. You’ll be enchanted by what you see!
There’s a lot to choose from so, when you get to the event, where do you start? Here are our top five “must-do” attractions to get you going when your flock of fairies lands.
1. Enter the fairy house contest ?

Build your very own tiny fairy house in the woods using all-natural, non-living materials, like pinecones, sweetgum balls, and fallen branches! Participants can collect extra special nature treasures by trading in any litter they find on the ground at our Trash 4 Treasures station. When the building area closes, our judges will select the contest winners.
2. Get your face painted

Visit our free face painter from Face Paint Charlotte and add some color or sparkle to your personal décor.
3. Ride our mini-zipline ??
Active fairies can get their wiggles out flying through the Raptor Center’s obstacle course. They can also create a troll-sized fortress at Fairy Engineering.
4. Hear fairy stories ?

Slow down and listen to a special story told by the Fairy House Festival Fairy Godmother. The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library will be on site sharing fairy stories with festivalgoers. Smart Start of Mecklenburg will also be there to sign small fairies up for free books.
5. Make your own magic wand

Participants can create a special acorn necklace and a bubble wand at the craft station. Fairies can test their bubble wands over at the Bubble Making station. Tickets are $5 for ages five and up and free for ages four and under. Buy yours at ParkandRec.com.
If you’re following along with our things to do for under $20 in 2020, this event may check off two!