Sometimes our biggest challenge in local government is connecting the services we provide to the people who need them most. Unfortunately, our residents don’t always know what we have to offer.  

This happens a lot with local veterans who are trying to work through the Veterans Affairs (VA) system to see what benefits they’re eligible for. Did you know we have a team of certified veterans services officers (many of whom are veterans themselves) that can help with that? Here are three reasons why you should recommend our Veterans Services division the next time you talk to someone who has served our country and is having trouble getting the benefits they earned. 

Face-to-Face Veterans Assistance 

Veterans Services teamThe paperwork involved in claims with the VA office can be cumbersome and confusing. There are a lot of forms to sort through, and responses often involve follow-up steps that are difficult to understand. When you feel like you’ve been pouring through papers, websites and phone trees trying to get answers, it can be refreshing to sit down with someone that can walk you through it. That’s exactly what our team does. If you have to jump through hoops, it’s nice to know that you have someone experienced jumping through them with you. 

Not the Veterans Affairs Office 

It’s understandable that veterans get frustrated with the VA. The system is huge, and they have limited resources. Many who have served don’t even know what benefits they’re eligible for. Here’s the good news: our office is totally separate and 100% local. Our staff has enough familiarity with the system to help veterans navigate it. They’re also well-connected with partners in Mecklenburg County that can offer support to those who need it most. 

FREE Services for Veterans 

Did you know that sometimes veterans feel that they have to hire a lawyer to work through VA paperwork? That’s how complicated it can get, and it’s certainly one way to get the job done. But often our staff is often able to accomplish the same outcomes at no cost. If you know someone who’s considering a lawyer to help them with their benefits claim, send them our way. 


Mecklenburg County Veterans Services cannot make decisions about federal benefits. But when you need an advocate, they’re here for you. Do you know someone who’s served our country and recently relocated to the area that could use our help? Have them call 704-336-2102 to speak with our team or visit the Veterans Services website to learn more.