Biking on trails is a healthy activity for everyone, from seasoned pros to kids just learning the ropes. With more than 70 miles of greenway trails to explore, it’s important to understand the unspoken rules that all new bikers and seasoned riders should remember.

So before you head out the door, here are some tips to help everyone have an enjoyable experience on our greenways.

1. Stay to the Right, Pass on the Left

Always stay to the right side of the path and pass others on the left. Before passing, signal your intention by ringing a bell or calling out, “On your left!” to let others know you’re coming. This helps avoid surprises and potential collisions.

2. Cruise, Don’t Speed

Be mindful of your speed! And always use marked crosswalks or bike lanes when crossing any roads that intersect the greenway.

Remember, the greenways are for everyone, and pedestrians have the right of way! You’re sharing space with people of all ages and abilities, including walkers, joggers and families.

3. Respect Nature

Our greenways are nestled in nature, so let’s keep them that way! Stick to the marked paths to protect the environment and avoid any unexpected run-ins with plants or wildlife.

People sitting on a bench with their bikes on a trail

4. Gear Up

Helmets aren’t just for looks, they’re your best friend when biking. Always wear a helmet and make sure it’s snug and secure.

I think we’ve covered all our bases. So gear up, hit the greenway and enjoy the ride — safely and considerately!